Tuesday, May 24, 2011

NFL Player Locked Out so He Substitute Teaches

When you think of many professional athletes, you may think of talented, brash, opinionated and spoiled but what about substitute teaching? Denver Broncos' third year safety, David Burton, is spending time as a substitute teacher at his old high school. Burton is teaching social studies and credit recovery. Burton has a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Sociology and received a one year substitute teaching certificate.

Unlike many players who spend their free time working out or just relaxing, Burton says, he wants to "keep busy" and "give back to the community". He is also working out like his teammates except he doesn't do it in Denver where most of his teammates are but is doing so close to home so that he can be close to his 5 year old son whom he doesn't see too much when he is in full swing NFL season with the Broncos.

Burton started subbing with a grade 2 class and has spent recess playing kickball with them (you've gotta stay in shape after all!) and then moved up to sub at Miamisburg High School in Dayton, Ohio. He even has plans after the NFL. He is looking at law school for when his playing days are over. It seems like David Burton is answering the question many players in the lockout are asking themselves, "What do I do with all this free time?"

In a day and age where the motto, "Get as much as you can while you can" reigns, it's nice to see a player who is looking to be a part of something much bigger. Perhaps this is an example we can mention to our kids. I believe this is a valuable life lesson and example for kids and adults.

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48 (NIV)

That's pretty cool - my hat's off to David Burton.
